Get Programming with JavaScript - Listing 13.20

Listing 13.20 - The Place constructor as a module

(function () { var Place = function (title, description) { var newLine = spacer.newLine(); var items = []; var exits = {}; var getItemsInfo = function () { var itemsString = "Items: " + newLine; items.forEach(function (item) { itemsString += " - " + item; itemsString += newLine; }); return itemsString; }; var getExitsInfo = function () { var exitsString = "Exits from " + title; exitsString += ":" + newLine; Object.keys(exits).forEach(function (key) { exitsString += " - " + key; exitsString += newLine; }); return exitsString; }; var getTitleInfo = function () { return, title.length + 4, "="); }; var getInfo = function () { var infoString = getTitleInfo(); infoString += description; infoString += newLine + newLine; infoString += getItemsInfo() + newLine; infoString += getExitsInfo(); infoString += spacer.line(40, "=") + newLine; return infoString; }; this.showInfo = function () { console.log(getInfo()); }; this.addItem = function (item) { items.push(item); }; this.addExit = function (direction, exit) { exits[direction] = exit; }; this.getExit = function (direction) { return exits[direction]; }; this.getLastItem = function () { return items.pop(); }; }; if (window.theCrypt === undefined) { window.theCrypt = {}; } theCrypt.Place = Place; })();