Get Programming with JavaScript - Listing 9.08

Listing 9.08 - A calendar event constructor

var CalendarEvent = function (title, startDate, startTime, endTime) { this.title = title; this.startDate = startDate; this.startTime = startTime; this.endTime = endTime; this.showEvent = function () { var dateString = [ this.startDate, ", from ", this.startTime, " to ", this.endTime ].join(""); console.log(this.title); console.log(dateString); }; }; var calEvent = new CalendarEvent( "Annual Review", "3/5/16", "4.00pm", "5.00pm" ); calEvent.showEvent();

Further Adventures

Listing 9.08 - A calendar event constructor - Tasks 1&2

var CalendarEvent = function (title, startDate, startTime, endTime) { this.title = title; this.startDate = startDate; this.startTime = startTime; this.endTime = endTime; this.showEvent = function () { var dateString = [ this.startDate, ", from ", this.startTime, " to ", this.endTime ].join(""); console.log(this.title); console.log(dateString); }; }; var calEvent = new CalendarEvent( "Annual Review", "3/5/16", "4.00pm", "5.00pm" ); // second event var calEvent2 = new CalendarEvent( "Staff Social", "5/3/16", "8.00pm", "11.00pm" ); calEvent.showEvent(); calEvent2.showEvent();

Listing 9.08 - A calendar event constructor - Task 3

var CalendarEvent = function (title, startDate, startTime, endTime) { this.title = title; this.startDate = startDate; this.startTime = startTime; this.endTime = endTime; this.showEvent = function () { var info = this.title + ": "; info += this.startDate + " - "; info += "(" + this.startTime + " - " + this.endTime + ")"; console.log(info); }; }; var calEvent = new CalendarEvent( "Annual Review", "3/5/16", "4.00pm", "5.00pm" ); var calEvent2 = new CalendarEvent( "Staff Social", "5/3/16", "8.00pm", "11.00pm" ); calEvent.showEvent(); calEvent2.showEvent();