Get Programming with JavaScript - Listing 4.13

Listing 4.13 - Updating our display function to add a blank line

var movie1; var movie2; var movie3; var movie; var showMovieInfo; movie1 = { title: "Inside Out", actors: "Amy Poehler, Bill Hader", directors: "Pete Doctor, Ronaldo Del Carmen" }; movie2 = { title: "Spectre", actors: "Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz", directors: "Sam Mendes" }; movie3 = { title: "Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens", actors: "Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher", directors: "J.J.Abrams" }; showMovieInfo = function () { console.log("Movie information for " + movie.title); console.log("------------------------------"); console.log("Actors: " + movie.actors); console.log("Directors: " + movie.directors); console.log("------------------------------"); console.log(""); }; movie = movie1; showMovieInfo(); movie = movie2; showMovieInfo(); movie = movie3; showMovieInfo();

Further Adventures

Listing 4.13 - Updating our display function to add a blank line - Task 1

var post1; var post2; var post3; post1 = { title : "My Crazy Space Adventure", author : "Philae", created : "2015-06-21", body : "You will not believe where I just woke up!! Only on a comet..." }; post2 = { title : "I'm Going On An Adventure!", author : "BB", created : "2012-12-12", body : "I'm off with some dwarves and a wizard." }; post3 = { title: "We're Home", author: "Han", created: "2015-12-17", body: "It's been a long search but, finally, we're back on The Falcon." };

Listing 4.13 - Updating our display function to add a blank line - Tasks 2 & 3

var post1; var post2; var post3; var post; var showBlog; post1 = { title : "My Crazy Space Adventure", author : "Philae", created : "2015-06-21", body : "You will not believe where I just woke up!! Only on a comet..." }; post2 = { title : "I'm Going On An Adventure!", author : "BB", created : "2012-12-12", body : "I'm off with some dwarves and a wizard." }; post3 = { title: "We're Home", author: "Han", created: "2015-12-17", body: "It's been a long search but, finally, we're back on The Falcon." }; showBlog = function () { console.log(post.title); console.log("By " + + " on " + post.created); console.log("--------------------"); console.log(post.body); console.log("--------------------"); console.log(""); };

To use the showBlog function, assign a blog post object to the post variable first.

post = post1; showBlog(); post = post2; showBlog(); post = post3; showBlog();