Get Programming with JavaScript - Listing 3.15

Listing 3.15 - A question and answer for a quiz app

var questionAndAnswer = { question: "What is the capital of France?", answer1: "Bordeaux", answer2: "F", answer3: "Paris", answer4: "Brussels", correctAnswer: "Paris", marksForQuestion: 2 };

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Listing 3.15 - A question and answer for a quiz app - Task 1

var questionAndAnswer = { question: "What is the capital of France?", answer1: "Bordeaux", answer2: "F", answer3: "Paris", answer4: "Brussels", correctAnswer: "Paris", marksForQuestion: 2 }; // Present the question console.log(questionAndAnswer.question); // Present the answer options console.log("A) " + questionAndAnswer.answer1); console.log("B) " + questionAndAnswer.answer2); console.log("C) " + questionAndAnswer.answer3); console.log("D) " + questionAndAnswer.answer4);

Listing 3.15 - A question and answer for a quiz app - Task 1

Here's an alternative approach.

var questionAndAnswer = { question: "What is the capital of France?", answer1: "Bordeaux", answer2: "F", answer3: "Paris", answer4: "Brussels", correctAnswer: "Paris", marksForQuestion: 2 }; // Present the question console.log(questionAndAnswer.question); // Create a variable for the answer options var answers = "\n"; // Append the answer options to the answers string answers += "A) " + questionAndAnswer.answer1 + "\n"; answers += "B) " + questionAndAnswer.answer2 + "\n"; answers += "C) " + questionAndAnswer.answer3 + "\n"; answers += "D) " + questionAndAnswer.answer4 + "\n"; // Display the answer options console.log(answers);

The escape sequence, \n, is used to specify a new line.

When working with strings, the += operator creates a new string by appending the string on its right to the value of the variable on its left. It assigns the new string to the variable.